It Will Change Your Life
No, not that thing you do after a break-up. That thing you do on a super-small trampoline that will big time kick your fitness ass.
Step it up with 4 fabulously inspirational, real-life model-persons-peoples on a 2 day shoot with us in the spacious Riverdale Studios …Oh and thanks U-Haul for the primo-delux $3 cardboard barn doors. Your personally selected 45 second behind-the-scenes glimpse is above. A tasty helping of the results is below.
The Client: JumpSport Fitness
The Task: We were called to help solve a dilemma. The client wanted to motivate people of different age groups to try out their fitness trampolines.
The Challenge: They weren’t sure how to tell the brand narrative so different age groups would be able to relate. Their current marketing was focused on females under the age of 35 and needed visuals that would speak to other audiences.
The Solution: Give a trampoline to 4 real people of various ages who incorporate fitness into their daily lives, then interview them and tell their stories through video, stills, and sound bites. The final product motivated even us to jump for fitness!
Lynda was born and raised in Southern California. She’s got an attitude and we’d really like to have her biceps.